Sunday 30 November 2014


Peter Deunov(Beinsa Douno, the Teacher) was born in the village of Hadardja near VarnaBulgaria (then part of
the Ottoman Empire) on July 11, 1864, the third child of Konstantin Dunovsky and Dobra Atanasova Georgieva. His father, Konstantin Dunovsky, was the first Bulgarian teacher in the region before becoming a Bulgarian Orthodox priest. He was one of the first to present the liturgy in Bulgarian, the language of the local people, rather than the traditional sacred language of Greek.
From 1932 to 1944 he developed the Paneurhythmy exercises: a sequence of exercises performed to music, to achieve inner balance and harmonization. These exercises continue to be practiced in Bulgaria - especially during August in the Rila Mountains - and, to a lesser degree, throughout the rest of the world by different groups of followers.


There are many ways to understand Nature, but one is the Way to enter the world of Truth. Truth is the purest of worlds, in which Love manifests itself. Truth is the purest form of Love. What is Love? – The purest essence of this form. Truth is the highest manifestation of Love! The utmost freedom is achieved through Truth. The brightest Light is attained through Love. In an esoteric sense Love is substituted by Righteousness. If you seek warmth and heat, look for Righteousness. Whenever Righteousness comes into the world she raises the physical temperature. Righteousness is the strongest heat of Love, and Love is the essence of Life. When it is a question of Life, you have to know that there is nothing higher than Life. Therefore, Love, Wisdom, Truth and Righteousness are these spheres or worlds, through which Life manifests itself. What is meant by the word life at present is that human consciousness, which contains constant, incessant aspiration for achievements. When we say that we live, we imply a constant aspiration for something, which we are trying to achieve. When a child is born, its consciousness awakens instantly and it begins to desire, to want something from the objective world. If we consider the world of feelings, we are also searching for a certain object in it. If we consider the world of the mind, there we want to study, we are searching for an object there too. Life also exists in the spiritual world and in the Divine world. Therefore, Life manifests itself in all spheres and worlds, but in different forms.
  Consequently, the first task of a person is to formulate a clear idea of God. When you speak about God, you have to attribute all beings to His consciousness – from the smallest to the biggest ones of whom God takes equal care. 
I say, if you want to understand God, you have to be pure. It is said, “Only those with a pure heart will see God.” Sufferings, hardships, misfortunes will come. You are amidst the sea where big storms rise up. These storms will affect the ship as well: they will rock it to one side, then to the other, but harmony and peace must reign inside. If the waves manage to enter the ship, even through the smallest of its cracks, the latter becomes already subject to destruction and death. The negative, impure thoughts from which you should guard yourselves enter in the same way. What about you, do you not contaminate when you travel through Nature? 
No, purity is required of everyone in all aspects: physical cleanness, mental purity and spiritual purity. You say, “Everything is up to us.” It is up to you to observe Absolute Purity in your entire life. Life itself, however, depends on God. If you want to be healthy and happy, let every feeling, every thought and every action of yours be permeated with the idea of Purity. Only in this way will you receive the blessings of God.

Paneurhythmy, created by Master Beinsa Douno, is based on a deep knowledge of the Laws of energy, radiation, frequency and the correlation between tone, form, movement, color, geometry and an idea. Movements correspond to tones, and as we dance the concepts of giving, receiving and renewal, we allow the Earth and Cosmos to do the same. Through us, the Earth opens her portals, her points of power, to give of her own energies, to receive of the Light. The Cosmos itself receives and is blessed and gives more.

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