Saturday 1 February 2014


                                                        The fashion in 1990s
Fashion became more laidback and and comfortable. 1990s style was more minimalist aesthetic with a lot of black and neutral coloursNeutral colours like grey, brown, olive green and beige replaced the royal blue, bright fuchsia and emerald green of the previous decade. Countering the wide shoulders and frills of the 1980s, clothes in the 1990s were neat, slim fitting and casual and fabrics were softer and more relaxed.

The rise of alternative 'grunge' fashion in the early 1990s was one of the most significant trends of the decade. Grunge was an eclectic trend that combined two very different forms of rebellion from previous decades - the 1970s 'hippie' and 1980s 'punk' movements. Grunge-style clothing was often over sized, baggy and torn and featured dark, subdued colours. Hair was kept deliberately messy and UN-styled.

Fashion was truly globalised in the 1990s, as new technology like the Internet enabled fashion trends to rapidly disseminate between cultures. Dressing for comfort was also a key trend 

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