Monday 25 August 2014

                            The Chakra Zen 

Holistic Healing says.....
The Chakra Zen Incantations listed here were created based on the breath-awareness teachings from Eric Maisel's book entitledTen Zen Seconds: Twelve Incantations for Purpose, Power, and Calm.

To help balance your light body and align your chakra energy system repeat each of the incantations listed below. Speak the first part of the phrase outloud as you inhale. Speak the second part of the phrase as you exhale. Repeat each of the twelve incantation ten times. When you are finished you will feel centered and balanced

(Inhale deeply 5 seconds)(Exhale slowly 5 seconds)

  • My energy is free of blockages
  • My root chakra is deeply grounded
  • My sacral chakra juices are creative and bold
  • My solar plexus feels mellow and calm
  • My heart is filled with love
  • My throat speaks the truth
  • My third eye intuits inner knowledge
  • My crown chakra projects inspiration
  • My chakras are spinning in alignment
  • My aura is colorful and clutter-free
  • My lightbody beams brightly
  • I am centered and balanced



Proper breathing enhances many healing modalities including Tai Chi, Reiki, massage, meditation, and yoga.
Repeat this breathing chant until you feel yourself come back into a more balanced and centered place. Bring your awareness to your breath and start breathing in deeply and slowly. On each inhale and exhale say out loud or silently to yourself:
  • "I am calm"
  • "I allow myself to let this go"
  • "I choose peace over this"
  • "I am loved"
  • "I can love"
  • "All is love"
Go back to the beginning statement "I am calm" and continue through them all until you feel your heart open, calm and at peace again. 

Breathing Through the Soles of Your Feet

.....stand still and quiet, taking deep breaths (Sun & Earth) but feeling the Earth energy coming up through your feet, spreading up through your body and extending out through your limbs, to finger tips. Imagine yourself as a giant tree, taking in Earth energy through your "roots" (feet) and extending out to the farthest "branches" (fingertips) and beyond, swirling through your merkaba, or energy body, through space and time into other dimensions. 

Feel this Earth energy centering you and going out into all directions. U can hug trees and roll in the grass and feel the Earth energy -- and that's truly wonderful. 

All is energy. We can open our minds to allow integration of what we need or we can use our minds to create blocks, barriers and limits to growth. "Yes, but . . ." is probably the greatest barrier to spiritual growth. Why create a mental mountain? 

To access and use Earth energy wherever you may be, you have only to focus your being on bringing that energy into your mind/body system, through breathing and intent, as described above. Imagine a tendril or thread going from your Root Chakra going deep into the Earth, connecting you, anchoring you. 

.... mysterious powers with the breath!  Pranayama. Prana is the vital force that creates various currents of energy in the body that control many of the unconscious functions that allow the maintenance of the physical body. It regulates the circulation of blood, digests food, affects moods, levels of stress, and these are only a few of the obvious things that are affected by the breath. There are powers that range from reducing the heart rate to enabling the body to smash through concrete bricks, from purifying the subtle body of impurities to healing deep emotional traumas.
This method enables a person to release the locked up emotional traumas that have been repressed by us, so that they stop influencing us from an unconscious level of our awareness.

This process allows for the personal exploration into the unconscious emotional software and energies that are influencing you in ways that undermine your full potential. Many people are in denial about the nature of their inner emotional matrix and have an aversion to delving into what they think may be a heart of darkness. Some people are in denial about the fact that any inner problem may exist. Even if no deep emotional experiences stand out in your awareness because they are made invisible by the veiling power of denial, let me assure you they do exist. They exist from events in this life and they exist from past lives as well, influencing you in this life because they are closely linked to the karma of this incarnation. They have to be taken out of the darkness of your unconscious mind and emotional matrix and brought into your awareness, so you can release the pain and understand the causes of how this pain was influencing your life from that hidden place inside.

Many people want to feel love inside but instead feel numb. The reason for this numbness is because of denial and the many layers of past emotional experiences that block our access to the love within us. We are all worthy of love and long to experience the depths of love we intuitively know exist within. The problem is that until we delve into the emotional matrix and release from our subtle body the toxic emotions, traumas, pain, fear and denial, we will never get to the love. It is the entrance into the underworld of mythology in which the hero must enter if he is ever to regain the light of his tormented soul. It is our birthright to live life to our fullest potential, with a deep love and connected-ness to all living things, especially to each other.

 Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
  • Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
  • Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.
* Location- Spine
* Stone- Garnet
* Mantra-LAM
* Element-Land
* Gland-Adrenal

2. Sakral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
  • Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
  • Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.
  • Locationa-Pubic region
  • Stone-Coral
  • Mantra-VAM
  • Element-Water
  • Gland-Genitals

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.

  • Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
  • Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.
  • Location-Solar plexus
  • Stone-Topaz
  • Mantra-RAM
  • Element-Fire
  • Gland-Thymus

4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love.
  • Location: Center of chest just above heart.
  • Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.
  • Location-Heart
  • Stone-Emerald
  • Mantra-YAM
  • Element-Air
  • Gland-Thymus


5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate.
  • Location: Throat.
  • Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth.
  • Location-Throat
  • Stone-Turquoise
  • Element-Ether
  • Gland-Thyroid


6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
  • Location: Forehead between the eyes. 
  • Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.
  • Location-Frown
  • Stone-Lapislazuli
  • Mantra-OM
  • Element-Light
  • Gland-Pituitary

7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.
  • Location: The very top of the head.
  • Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.
  • Location-Skull
  • Stone-Amethyst
  • Mantra-AUM
  • Element-Space
  • Gland-Pineal


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