
...The Medicine is an essence, it flows through us as a river and gives us power. It gives power to see that it is not always about me, and it is not always about you. It IS about US. It is about the coming together of all things. All Life forces joined together in the Circle. I can not separate myself from this Circle, as I can not separate my thoughts from my brain. The Medicine flows seeing with eyes that touch and know the effect on the Life of all beings. Each new lesson is taught through compassion, each medicine is given as a healer, a teacher, a seer. It is a Life Force energy that is flowing through us moving us deeper into the Mystery. Gently changing what is seen and how it is seen. Changing from knowing self only, to knowing there is no self. I am and I am not. The Balance of Light and Dark. We have a powerful abundance in growing out of the self center. Expanding our thoughts and realizing the Life Force that dwells within us is effecting the constant Life energy of all. In the Universe's odd way it is looking at the Beginning seeing the End, and only finding it beginning again.
Peace to all, ~redskyhawk

something to think about...
Walking the Earth Touching the Sky

'When you are appreciating someone at a deeper level, you can see their most honest self beyond any facades they may put up. When you focus at this level, you can perceive what someone is thinking as a subtle expression on their face. This is perfectly natural.'
James Redfield favourite part of the book

'He pointed toward the east. Miles away, I could see two ridges which ran parallel to each other for what looked like several miles, then they converged, forming a V shape. In the space between the two ridges lay what looked like a small town, and at the vortex, the point where the two ridges met, the mountain rose sharply and butted off into a rocky summit. The summit appeared slightly higher than the ridge we were on and the ares around its base seemed much greener, as though covered with lush foliage.
'That area of green?' I asked.

'Yes,' Wil said. 'Its like Viciente, yet more powerful and special.'

The Gentler you are... 

The Stronger you become♡

Stay in the center of the circle
and let All things take their course. 


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