Thursday 28 August 2014

Liberation - the stage of nothingness........

moksha the ultimate goal of life

Reaching moksha - the liberated Atman soul... an Atman soul that has finally liberated from the cycle of birth and death gains entry into the abode of God... the kingdom of God. Ever since the individual piece of puzzle separated from its source... the effort of every Atman soul remains rejoining the complete puzzle at the earliest!

 Moksha - gaining Mukti... liberation from the bondage of karma... from the vicious cycle of birth and death forever! This becomes possible when human beings after establishing absolute control over five senses and mind reached the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi... the stage of nothingness... the stage of absolute wisdom!
Controlling five senses and the mind alone does not make one reach the stage of enlightenment. One needs practicing absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation! The practice of celibacy results in full awakening of the kundalini Shakti... the dormant cosmic energy lying in the base of spine!

 Let it flow, let it meet with other energies that surround you! Soon you ll be able to see that the problem was not how to become integrated.
There is no effort even of looking at the flower. It is effortless. Your eyes are open, the flower is there....a moment of deep communion comes when the looked at and the looker both disappire. Then there is a beauty. Now you are there and the flower is there, and somehow you overlap each other's boundaries. The flower enters into you, you enter into the flower, and there is a sudden revelation. Call it beauty, call it truth, call it God!

'Maturity' 'The responsibility of being oneself''- OSHO

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