Sunday 23 March 2014

Air hostess interview – How to prepare for your job interview. Cabin Crew.

What they say about the cabin crew interview!!!

Air hostess interview – How to prepare for your job interview.

Brief summary

The air hostess interview is considered to be tough, considering the high demand for the job from applicants, and the limited number of vacancies. There are however some ways to prepare yourself for the air hostess interview. It’s very important you’ve read the air hostess training and requirements article, to know what is expected from you. And this directory of  air hostess courses shows you where you can get air hostess job training.

The air hostess interview

A very important aspect on your path to become an air hostess, is the air hostess interview. This is where you can shine or fail, and a lot of the rest of your career depends on this. Luckily, there are some ways for you to prepare for your job interview. I listed some of the best books you can read about how to successfully complete the air hostess interview. These books will describe what air hostess interview questions you can expect, how you can prepare for an assessment and what’s expected from your resume for example.

How do I prepare for an air hostess interview?


A few things to remember about interviews in general. 

They will not ask you anything that you don't know the answer to ! So be prepared for "What were your favourite subjects at school etc"? 

Nobody wants to trick or embarrass you. So be prepared for "are you married or living with parents etc" ? 

The interviewers want to find out what kind of person you are, so be prepared to talk about things you like, places you have visited, achievements you are proud of, people you admire. 

Think about these things in advance, and also think about some of the practical things they might ask you: 

How would you take care of your pets if away for several days at a time? 

How will you travel to the base airport/offices, and is the distance/time acceptable? 

Are you fit enough to operate the emergency equipment on the aircraft if needed? 

What would you do if a passenger became unwell during a flight? 

What is the best piece of customer service you have given or received? 

Try to relax (interviewers expect a little nervousness), smile, give confident answers (don't mumble or whisper), make lots of eye contact (if more than one interviewer then gently turn your head and "share" your answer between them). 

If they ask you " do you have any questions?", then choose from: 

"Do you have many vacancies available?" 

"Does the airline like to promote staff from within?" 

"When will I know the outcome of today's interview?" 

or just say " thank you for taking the time to see me" 

This gives the interview a nice definate ending and avoids an embarrassing tail-off where nobody knows what to do or say next. 

Good Luck, stay calm, be yourself!
Cabin Crew Recruitment Process

The Emirates Cabin Crew recruitment team conducts regular assessments and interviews in numerous countries worldwide, including on-going sessions in Dubai and London. 

The Emirates Cabin Crew recruitment process begins with your application; online or in person at one of Emirates scheduled Open Days. If you meet The Emirates cabin Crew requirements and are shortlisted, you will be invited to participate in a Screening and Assessment process consisting of:

• Initial Assessment 
• English Test 
• Psychometric Assessment 
• Individual Competency Based Interview 
Please note that the length of time required to go through the process will depend on your success at each stage of assessment.